Thursday, March 14, 2013

Heads Up: New Facebook

Facebook is changing. Again.

Don't worry, though! It isn't a big transition like the last one was. This new Timeline is all about better organization and making the apps we use daily, better integrated into our personal profiles.

"We're trying to give everyone in the world the best personalized newspaper we can," said Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

What will that look like? shared some pics and info. (here) that we will be going over below!

As you can see, it's not that much different. The long bar down the left side makes all of the apps (photos, games, etc.) easier to access from the get-go. 

This left sidebar will also house Face Chat.

One of the new features of this News Feed is that fact that we have a more in-depth filtering system. If you want to just see the games that your friends are playing then click the option and your News Feed will be nothing but game-related.

The above picture is when you click the Photos filtering option, so you can kind of get an idea of how each topic will make your Feed look. This revamped Facebook will also be sporting bigger and better-looking pictures.

Now, what about all of this new app integration stuff I was talking about? How will this affect your personal profile?

Basically, this new update will allow users to add standalone sections to their profiles for different apps. Much like the posted photos and music tracks that show up on the right side now (unless you have that turned off). 

However, the biggest change in this new Facebook is the fact that you can integrate your apps on your About page. Not only can you have your favorite movies, books, and music like you have now but you will be able to give them their own sections. You can also have your activity show up on this page for each app if you chose. 

All in all, this new change isn't a huge one. It's just more organized and informative (if you want it to be)! So, keep calm and don't get stressed about this new, new Facebook that's coming!

Facebook Pages

Friday, March 8, 2013

Two Ways to Obtain Inspiration

Hello Spring | Flickr - Photo Sharing! -ChildishToy

If you aren't inspired, then decorating for your life may be a hard task. Spring is such a fun time to celebrate your personal and home style. It would be a shame to miss out on a Springtime revamp of home sweet home.

So, here's what we can suggest to jump start your inspiration.

You may not know you've been looking for that piece of art or that rug until you actually see them. Point being, sometimes you just need to get out and about and browse the stores to see if that inspirational spark will ignite!

Pinning can be so relaxing and inspiring! From a quote to color palates to simply amazing pictures, one pin can have your creative juices flowing.

To see our Pinterest boards, go here.

What inspires you? Link your Pinterest board that inspires you the most in the comments!

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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Four Spring Decorating Trends for 2013

Today starts our Semi-Anual 3-Day Sale within all stores! In honor of this sale we wanted to give you some inspiration (yesterday's post here) and some info. on the Springtime trends of 2013. The original list of trends can be found here

This post shows the trends we look forward to and the ones that can be met by shopping our selections!

Lara Robby/Studio D

Elegant, graceful design
"Enough with the plain. I think people want pretty, and I predict a surge in demand for classic fabrics like Colefax and Fowler's Bowood." —Leta Austin Foster
Let's be real, having a reason to be elegant and graceful is always nice. So this trend can be welcomed with open arms and serviced by our store selections of different prints and textiles!

A warm, homey kitchen

Homey kitchens
"We're moving toward a more organic modernism with warm, modern materials that look vintage: slate, irregular floors, weathered concrete, natural crackle-glazed tiles that look handmade. Less slick kitchens!" — Peter Dunham
I feel like us Southerns made this trend trendy. Who doesn't love a homey kitchen? A space doesn't have to be old for it to be homey. Find different elements that make you feel more at home like our florals and other little home accents!

A woman looking at art in a gallery

Emphasis on art
"Everyone will be focusing on art — it's so much more approachable these days, with art fairs popping up everywhere." — Sara Story
You don't need an art fair to grab some amazing art. It's easily accessible through our stores and we'd love to help you with it!

Dabs of bright primary colored paint

Bright paint colors
"Photoshop, HDTV, and hi-res computer screens have dialed up our sense of vision. Our rooms will be full of brighter, more saturated hues. I just used Life Savers candy colors on a project and plan on using them more." — Stephen Shubel
This trend is, of course, a fun one! Like yesterday's post, Springtime allows for bright, bold colors and that doesn't just stop at your decor! From accent walls to the entire room, changing things up with new paint can be the bump of inspiration that makes you happy this Spring!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Four Reasons to Love Decorating for Spring

Spring is arguably one of the most fun times to decorate your home sweet home. They don't call it Spring Fever for nothing, after all! At Design World we understand that you just might love Springtime so we are having a sale for all of our Facebook friends. Check out the bottom of this post for links to all of our Facebook Pages!

If you aren't in the inspired mood yet for lovely Spring, just keep reading! This post is all about a few reasons why decorating for Spring can be fun and will hopefully inspire you to come out to the store and start yourself!

Get reacquainted with color
Winter is done and now we are popping into Spring. That also means we can do a color makeover for our homes! Spring allows us to decorate bright and bold if we oh-so-please. Are you a fan of reds, oranges, or yellows? Maybe green too? How about patterns? Are you crazy for them? Well, if you answered yes to any of those questions, then you should be excited for Spring!

Time for florals
Let's be real, you can and should have florals in and around your house all year, but Springtime is one of the best times to have them out! Come by and browse our florals and make your house warm and inviting with these floral decorations!

Wall decor that works for you
It's a new season which gives you a reason to change up some of wall decor in your high-traffic rooms. A quick change of your wall decor can completely change the way the room looks and feels. Be bold. Be bright. Be airy. Be fun! Come on by and see what wall decor works for you!

Table dressings + centerpiece fun
Wall decor isn't the only thing you can revamp in respect for Springtime. Your plates, place mats, silverware, table runner...all things that can be changed out with some seasonal fun. Not to mention, a new centerpiece with some florals can bring some happiness to your heart!

These are only four of many reasons to be excited for Spring and Spring shopping! Need more inspiration? Just stop by the store and browse our selections and get some of that Spring decorating fever!

Facebook Pages

All pictures belong to Better Homes and Garden online. 

Monday, December 17, 2012

Three Holiday Centerpiece Ideas

Most likely you are having loved ones over at some point during the holiday season--the big Christmas dinner or a party to celebrate everyone's merry moods. Whatever the occasion, your holiday centerpieces will be seen by others. This can be an exciting and yet nerve-racking thought!
But fret not! Here are three centerpiece ideas that will hopefully help you out!

1. Martha Stewart's Flickering Flowers

The idea is simple yet so beautiful and very customizable so it has your own "feel." Take a dish, come by and select a some of our florals and make your very own arrangement. Then get a candle and put it in the center. You can make them as big as you want or as small and you can also have more than one! 

2. Serving Decorations!

If you have fun, stackable serving dishes then this centerpiece idea might be for you! Instead of filling each dish with food, fill it with some holiday decorations! The bottom dish can be filled with some of our florals, the next one can be filled with ornaments as well as the top, and then the remaining one can be filled with acorns or marbles or well, anything you like! This idea has a lot of potential!

3. Candle Frenzy!

Candle centerpieces seem to be really popular nowadays! Why shouldn't they be?! One candle can make all of the difference in a room! Come check out our candle holders and candle selections to make your own arrangement that can be used for your centerpiece! This option is so customizable and can be unique!

So there you have it! Three simple ideas that will hopefully inspire you to whip up your own holiday centerpiece! 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Two Ideas for the Holiday

At Design World we love helping you decorate your home for the holidays and all year round! Whether you are looking for a wreath that makes your front door stand out, a tree theme that makes you smile every time you see it, or other pieces of decor that "speak" to you, Design World loves being here for you.

Since Christmas is so close every one is bustling about getting ready for loved ones to visit. Today's blog is about two easy & cute ideas to get your company to smile.

If you have kids coming to your home or are a kid-at-heart, you might like the ideas of lining your front steps or walkway with a few candles. This acts as a "Runway for Santa!" I'm sure Santa would appreciate you trying to make his landing easier!

Do you have a mantel (if so check this out!) or some shelves you'd like to spiff up and get into the holiday spirit? How about wrapping empty some cereal boxes or other food boxes and putting them up there? It's an easy way to show off pretty wrappings and that you're excited about the holiday!

These are two easy, cute holiday-decorating ideas! Come by the store and check out all that we have to offer that will make your house into a home and get you (and guests!) more excited about the holidays!

Facebook Pages

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Color Me Happy!


It's such a simple way to make a house a home and your home decorations accents that you just can't help but love. Color speaks to everyone but It doesn't always say the same things. While you may be in love with orange, your spouse could think it's hideous. You can be in love with Christmas colors year round while your family can only stomach them around the holidays.

It's just so interesting how each individual sees a certain color and takes an instant liking to it and the same goes for looking at a color and instantly disliking it.

Have you ever just fallen in love with a certain color?

Is there a color you just CANNOT stand?

In the pictures below what color catches your eye first? Which do you Yay and which do you Nay?

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